La Porte Gold Star Families Memorial Monument
Gold Star Family members and relatives are those who have sacrificed a Loved One for our Freedom.
The Gold Star Family Memorial was created by Medal of Honor Recipient Hershel “Woody" Williams to remember those families who have made the ultimate sacrifice. To learn more about the memorial, please visit the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument web page.
"Dying for freedom isn't the worst thing that can happen. Being forgotten is." Georgie Carter-Krell (Mother of Posthumous Medal of Honor Recipient Pfc. Bruce W. Carter, USMCD - Florida)

Gold Star Families Memorial Monument
This monument honors, recognizes, and serves Gold Star Families and the legacy of their Loved Ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
The Homeland panel depicts images representing La Porte, TX which is home to many Gold Star Families, it is our people, it is our family, it is our freedom. After being decommissioned in 1948, USS Texas (BB-35) began her journey to her new anchorage at the San Jacinto Park becoming the first US Battleship to become a permanent museum ship & US National Historic Landmark.
The Family panel represents the uniquely brave spirit of our military families who provide support to their Loved Ones serving in our Armed Forces of the United States of America. Family is not always by blood. It is by heart.
The Patriot panel shows the raising of the American Flag on Iwo Jima, which symbolizes those who vigorously support and defend our great Nation through selfless service in our Armed Forces.
The Sacrifice panel represents the sacrifices made by our Gold Star Families by the loss of their Loved One while in service to our country.
“Someone I love has gone away
And life is not the same
The greatest gift that you can give
Is just to speak their name…”
The silhouette of the saluting service member represents the Legacy of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

This monument is a project of Gold Star Parents John & Milissa Guyon, Police Chief Steve Deardorff, Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Martin, The City of La Porte, and The Hershel “Woody” Williams Medal of Honor Foundation
Special Thanks to:
The City of La Porte
La Porte Economic Development Corporation
Economic Alliance Houston Port Region
Argos – US
Rob Van Til - General Manager - Houston Ready Mix
Gulf Coast Limestone
TJ Walker – Vice President & Director of Operations
Mark Dunlap – Director of Construction
Sponsors of the Private First-Class Matthew K Guyon Golf Tournament

Monument is located at